Welcome to Nashville Savings Bank
Serving the community since 1893

Nashville Savings Bank online banking site makes banking from anywhere a reality.
- Access to your bank accounts
- View real-time balances
- Transfer funds between accounts instantly
- Check balances
- Set up bill payments through bill pay
Need an account? To enroll, click on Online Banking Login, select “First Time Logging In” or click on “Enroll Now” set up your profile and answer the security questions. Once completed, you can access your account anytime.
Login to Online Banking or setup your Online Banking Profile now!

Mobile banking by Nashville Savings Bank allows you to bank on the go. Quick access to manage your bank accounts, check balances, transfer money with just a touch.
NSB mobile app is fast, secure, and free. Use your current Online Banking login information to start Mobile Banking today.
Download our mobile app today from the App Store or Google play!
A Nashville Savings Bank Debit Card gives you a faster, more economical, more convenient way to buy the products and services you need. You can purchase gas, groceries or anything else without ever writing a check. Plus, our debit card performs all the functions of an ATM card. Use your debit card wherever MasterCard® is accepted.